Terms of Site
Thank you for visiting the Dance Planner Business site. We are pleased to provide you with a variety of information regarding dance planner-biz and we would like to inform you of some legal restrictions and bans on this and other dance planner-biz-related sites.
You may use information of this site for personal use or on your computer. You can link to this server from the customer's personal homepage or document.
However, this site is an exclusive property of Dance planner. Dance planner has invested money, time and effort to develop this site.
These assets are not limited to information about copyright, trademark or technology. Information assets owned by Dance planners are provided in the form of text, pictures, voice, video, download files, links and source codes ('services and materials'). Dance planner owns all the rights to these services and materials.
These services and materials were provided only for the convenience of Dance planners and their customers. Dance planner does not give the customer intellectual property rights to the services and materials provided to the customers on this site.
Dance planner does not guarantee accuracy, completeness or reliability of the services, materials and other information of this and other related sites.
Therefore, do not rely on the information contained on this site as a profit-related decision reference unless you specifically advise Dance planner in writing.
Services and materials are provided on the basis of facts by Dance planner. And Dance planner disclaims any or all warranties expressed or implied, including unlimited warranty for the purpose of selling the service or materials or fitness fitted for a particular purpose.
Dance planner shall not be held liable for any kind of direct, indirect, accidental, punitive or inevitable damage involving services and materials.